Posted: July 17, 2020
The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its member national churches – connecting, strengthening and expanding.
Angola Update
Jean-Claude Ambeke is facing significant challenges as leader of the MB conferences in Angola – Igreja Evangelica dos Irmaos Menonitas en Angola (IEIMA). IEIMA is trying to raise funds to reopen the 17 churches that the government closed last year. The church buildings were not in good enough repair to pass new government legislation. The conference’s financial challenges are significant, and Jean-Claude is working on education and building relationships so that local pastors understand the importance of supporting national conference work.
Because of COVID-19, church members do not have freedom of travel, and the economic situation has led to a significant lack of food. The conference is encouraging members to grow vegetables at home so they have something to eat. They have also emphasized hygiene and hand washing. Members have been holding prayer meetings in their homes, and deepening their faith through personal Bible study. Members have been evangelizing in their local communities, and have led many people to Christ.
Pray for the IEIMA, for unity during times of trouble, for the health and safety of its members and leaders, and for wisdom and God’s guidance through the current storm.
—ICOMB Update