Liturgies for gathering and benediction


Leader: In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I welcome you, our sisters and brothers in this time of worship.

People: It is a joy to be together in God’s house.

Leader: We raise our voices with a heart full of earnest longing.

People: This is a good time to thank and praise our God.

Leader (raising right hand): May the peace of God the Father, the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and always.

People: Amen

Leader: Let us greet one another and welcome each other to our worship together.

—Pastor Danang Kristiawan, GITJ Jepara (Gereja Inijili di Tanah Jawa), Jepara, Indonesia


Gathering/Call to Worship

Leader: O come, let us give our ears to the witness of truth!

People: Lord, we are here to learn about following your commands to cross the spiritual, emotional and physical barriers that surround us.

Leader: O come, let us reflect the glory of the Lord of Israel!

People: Lord, we are here, help us to be salt and light in this world.

Leader: O come, let us seek the Lord while he may be found!

People: Lord, we are here. Come to us, so that we may call upon you.

Nishant Sidh, Mennonite Church in India, Rajnandgaon, India


Commandment to Love, and Prayer of repentance:

Beloved brothers and sisters,
to be disciples of Jesus Christ means to walk behind him and follow his example and commandments.
The Lord Jesus Christ gives us a great commandment, the commandment to love:
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
The second commandment is similar:
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

Dear Father,
we are grateful for your grace, which has called us as your disciples to gather to celebrate our love as your family.
We are grateful that you also remind us of our calling as your disciples, to love you with all our heart, and to love our neighbours.
We realize that we have many shortcomings to do your will, to love you, and to love our neighbours: selfishness, fear, our reluctance to cross the boundaries that separate us.
So we beg you to love us and encourage us to continue to love you and to love our neighbours with the power of your Spirit.

Pastor Danang Kristiawan, GITJ Jepara (Gereja Inijili di Tanah Jawa), Jepara, Indonesia


My brothers and sisters, as we end our worship together, let us keep our hearts turned to God. Have the mind of Christ, free to live in love.
Walk the Jesus way to cross dividing lines.
Live in love and peace in our fellowship in the Lord Jesus Christ.

May love and understanding be in our hearts and in the world.
May peace and friendship be a place of refuge for us in the midst of storms.
May we have the power to speak the truth, proclaim peace and be compassionate.
May we experience inspiration in the Holy Spirit, blessings and love from God, and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ, so that we can join together in bringing righteousness, justice and community to the world.


Wish each other peace, one to each other:

The peace of Christ be with you.

And also with you!

—Pastor Danang Kristiawan, GITJ Jepara (Gereja Inijili di Tanah Jawa), Jepara, Indonesia

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