Assembly Gathered

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Assembly Gathered Indonesia 2022

Opening Ceremony & Worship: 5 July 2022

Assembly Gathered: opening
Following Jesus together across barriers
5 July 2022
North America focus

  • Master of ceremonies: Lisa Carr-Pries, Canada
  • Scripture (Mark 7:24-30): Elvin Floyd Sieber, Argentina
  • Music: Affettuoso Mennonite Ethnic Ensemble (Indonesian music and dance), Jakarta Praise Community Church (JKI worship band)
  • Special focus: Banner procession
  • Plenary speaker: Tim Geddert, USA 

Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Sangkakala (STT) is a Bible college run by JKI. This open-air venue hosted morning and evening sessions for on-site Assembly attendees.


  • Dhuh pangeran / O Prince of Peace
  • Cantai ao Senhor / Oh Sing to the Lord / Cantad al Senor / Pujilah Tuhan
  • How great thou art / Betapa MuliaMu / Senor mi Dios / Wie Gross bist Du / Dieu Tout-puissant
  • Ehane he’ama / Father God, you are holy
  • True Evangelical Faith
  • You’re not alone
  • Praise God from whom all blessings flow

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Learning Together - Morning Plenary: 6 July 2022

Assembly Gathered: Wednesday morning
Following Jesus – learning together 
6 July 2022 

Master of ceremonies: Daniel Talenta Tobing, Indonesia
Prayer & reflection: Sophia Mons, Netherlands
Testimony: Faith Abe Tanaya, JKI, Indonesia
Music: GKMI Salatiga, “Stomp des écoliers” by LightClubberZ, France
Plenary speakers: Larissa Swartz (YABs Committee – North America), USA Anne-Cathy Graber (Faith & Life Commission), France

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Learning Together - Evening Plenary: 6 July 2022

Assembly Gathered: Following Jesus – learning together
6 July 2022

Master of ceremonies: Danang Kristiawan, Indonesia
Prayers: Indah Seftyaningrum, Indonesia; H. N. Widi Susabda, Indonesia
Reflection: Hani Yopita Setiawan
Testimony & prayer: José Arrais, Portugal (Video from Ukraine)
Scripture (Matthew 7:24-27): Malin Voth, USA
Music: Congdut GITJ Jepara feat Islamic Sufi’s Community
Special focus: Global Youth Summit, Gaëlle Oesch, France
Speaker: Salomé Haldemann, France (presented by Anne Hansen, Germany)

GITJ Jepara is located in a regional city known for woodcarving and proximity to beaches. The congregation is active in preservation of Javanese language and culture and in interfaith relations with a nearby Sufi school.

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Living Together - Morning Plenary: 7 July 2022

Assembly Gathered: Following Jesus − living together
7 July 2022

Master of ceremonies: Daniel Talenta Tobing, Indonesia
Prayer and reflection: Kkotip Bae, South Korea
Testimony: Didik Hartono, GKMI Winong Pati, GKMI Interfaith Peacebuilding, Indonesia
Music: “Where is the love” by LightClubberZ
Speakers: Ebenezer Mondez, Philippines, YABs, Adriana Belinda Rodríguez Velásquez, Honduras, Peace Commission

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Living Together - Evening Plenary: 7 July 2022

Assembly Gathered: Following Jesus – learning together
6 July 2022

Prayers: Esterningsih Djiartono, Indonesia
Reflection: Esterningsih Djiartono, Indonesia; Sadanand Hembrom, Nepal
Testimony: Vikal P. Rao, India
Scripture (2 Corinthians 4:1-17): Sadanand Hembrom
Music: Mennonite Keroncong Solo
Special focus: Lord’s Supper
Speaker: Jeremiah Choi (representing Peace Commission), Hong Kong

As the only Mennonite church in the city, GKMI Solo plays an important role as a peacebuilder, especially fostering good relationships between Muslim leaders and Christians.

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Caring Together - Morning Plenary: 8 July 2022

Assembly Gathered: Friday morning 
Following Jesus – caring together 
8 July 2022 
Latin America focus 

Master of ceremonies: Daniel Talenta Tobing, Indonesia 
Prayers: Valentina Kunze, Uruguay 
Reflection: Juan Manuel Guevara, Colombia 
Testimony: Stefani Dimu, Love Sumba, Indonesia 
Music: JC Band; “Danse de la creation” by LightClubberZ, France 
Plenary speakers:  Oscar Suárez (YABs Committee – Latin America), Colombia, José Rutilio Rivas Dominguez (Mission Commission), Colombia 

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Caring Together - Evening Plenary: 8 July 2022

Assembly Gathered: Friday evening 
Following Jesus – caring together 
8 July 2022 
Latin America focus 

Master of ceremonies: Penta Kostafani 
Prayers: Jeanette Bissoon 
Reflection: Tri Atmono, IndonesiaTestimony: Willi Hugo Perez, Guatemala 
(presented by Bruce Campbell-Janz, USA)  
Scripture: Angie Tatiana Morales Florido, Colombia 
Music: Edy Kristanto and children on angklung and gamelan 
Special focus: Introducing the new president 
Plenary speaker: Cindy Alpízar Alpízar (representing the Mission Commission), Costa Rica 

GITJ Margokerto is one of the first Mennonite churches in the Muria area. It has a strong standing in the community. 

Voiceover in French: 
"The dance of creation” 
Among all the planets of the universe, only one is capable of supporting life. Some call it the miracle planet. 
And almost 5 billion years ago, a gigantic asteroid crashed into the Earth, tilting it at an exact angle of 23° and a half to the sun. Accident or miracle? 
It was this providential tilt, this little helping hand from the universe that changed everything and created the seasons, climatic extremes, heat, cold and these magnificent landscapes. 
Ideal conditions for life on earth. 
And God saw that it was good.

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Celebrating Together - Morning Plenary: 9 July 2022

Assembly Gathered: Saturday morning
Following Jesus – celebrating together 
9 July 2022 
Africa focus 

Master of ceremonies: Daniel Talenta Tobing, Indonesia 
Prayer & reflection: Isaac Gborbitey, Ghana 
Music: JKI Ayem Tentrem, JKI Ungaran; “Converge” by LightClubberZ, France; Indonesian women’s choir 
Plenary speakers:  
Makadunyiswe Doublejoy Ngulube (YABs Committee – Africa), Zimbabwe 
Jürg Bräker (Deacons Commission), Switzerland 
Tigist Tesfaye (Deacons Commission), Ethiopia 

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Celebrating Together - Evening Plenary 9 July 2022

Assembly Gathered: Saturday evening 
Following Jesus – celebrating together 
9 July 2022 
Africa focus 

Master of ceremonies: David Meijanto, Indonesia 
Reflection: Ngire Jonah, Uganda 
Testimony: Desalegn Abebe, Ethiopia 
Scripture (2 Corinthians 5:17-21): Nontokozo Moyo, Zimbabwe 
Special focus: Introducing the next Assembly host: Ethiopia; Desalegn Abebe, Meserete Kristos Church 
Speaker: Barbara Nkala (representing the Deacons Commission), Zimbabwe 

JKI Ungaran initiated a youth conference called Unlimited Fire which draws thousands of young people from many denominations in Indonesian.  

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Following Together - Closing Service 10 July 2022

Assembly Gathered: closing 
Following Jesus together
10 July 2022 

Master of ceremonies: Lydia Adi & Anton Sidharta, Indonesia 
Renewal 2023: John Roth, USA; Christen Kong, Canada 
Testimony: Rebeca González Torres, Mexico 
Scripture (Ruth 1:15-22): Felix Perez Diener, USA 
Music: Gamelan Ansambel, GKMI Lamper Mijen 
Special focus: Presentation from children’s and youth programs: Jennifer McWilliams, Canada, and Jardely Martínez, Colombia 
Speaker: Nindyo Sasangko, Indonesia 

JKI Holy Stadium can seat 12 000 people. This JKI congregation has social ministries serving their neighbouring community. During the pandemic, they worked with local government to host a vaccine clinic for thousands.  

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The interpretation does not constitute a definitive record of proceedings. The simultaneous interpretation of Mennonite World Conference meetings and events facilitates communication among the participants in the meeting. It does not constitute an official record of proceedings. Where there is any difference between the simultaneous interpretation and the original speech (or the written translation of the speech), the original speech (or the written translation) takes precedence